"The bitterness of low quality remains long after the sweetness of a low price is forgotten!"
JIM BOLAND - Taxidermist
Boland Taxidermists is owned and operated by Jim & Ann Boland in Cochrane, Alberta. Jim has been in the taxidermy industry for approximately 35 years, and his love of the art of taxidermy has never faded, and he is always up for a challenging project brought to him by his hunters.
Jim is an avid hunter of big whitetail deer and big black bears. He has managed in his lifetime to take one Boone & Crocket whitetail and one Boone & Crocket elk.Jim is also an outdoor enthusiast; he is continually taking pictures of wildlife and scenery so that he may incorporate the knowledge into his mounts.
Jim's goal has always been to give high quality workmanship and true-to-life mounts. While viewing our photo gallery, it is apparent that attention-to-detail is without question!
Boland Taxidermists are proud supporters of: Safari Club International, Foundation for North American Wild Sheep, Wild Sheep Foundation Alberta, Alberta Fish & Game Association.
Jim has won numerous competitions over the years, with his most prized one being "People's Choice Award" at Safari Club International in Reno, Nevada in 1988.
Jim is an official scorer for S.C.I.